Deblina Ganguly, Blogger at Edumarz
Table of Contents
About the CUET Exam, 2022 Computer Science (308) Exam
CUET 2022 Computer Science Exam Overview
Computer Science Syllabus
Frequently Asked Questions
NTA published the syllabus for CUET 2022 for the national-level entrance test. Candidates who want to give the CUET (UG) 2022 should prepare for the exam from the Class 12th NCERT book: aspirants will understand the crucial topics to crack the entrance exam better.
About the CUET Exam, 2022 Computer Science (308) Exam
The Computer Science (308) exam of class 12 includes subtopics like Exception and File Handling in Python, Database Concepts, Structured Query Language, and Computer Networks.
CUET 2022 Computer Science Exam Summary
Exam Name:- CUET 2022
Subject Code:- 308
Exam of Class:-12
Total Number of Questions:- 50
Exam Syllabus:- Exception and File Handling, Database Concepts, Structured Query Language, and Computer Networks.
Computer Science Exam Syllabus
Chapter 1: Exception and File Handling
Exception Handling: errors and exceptions.
File Handling: text and binary file, types of files, open and close files.
Chapter 2: Stack
Stack: Introduction to stack, PUSH, and POP operations and their implementation.
Chapter 3: Queue
Queue: Introduction to Queue, INSERT, and DELETE operations and their implementation in Python.
Chapter 4: Searching
Searching: Binary search and analysis of Binary Search.
Chapter 5: Sorting
Overview of sorting methods, bubble sort, selection sort, and insertion sort.
Chapter 6: Understanding Data
Data and its purpose, collection.
Chapter 7: Database Concepts
Introduction to the concepts, difference between database and file system, the concept of the domain, tuple, and keys.
Chapter 8: Structured Query Language
Benefits of using Structured Query Language, Data Definition Language, and creating a database using MySQL.
Text functions: UPPER (), LOWER (), LENGTH (), LEFT (), RIGHT ().
Date Functions: DATE (), MONTH (), YEAR (), DAY ().
Aggregate Functions: MAX (), MIN (), COUNT ().
Operations based on Relations: Union, Intersection, Join.
Chapter 9: Computer Networks
Introduction to Computer Networks and the Evolution of Networking.
Network types: LAN, WAN, MAN.
Network devices: modem, ethernet card, router.
Network Topologies: mesh, ring, star, and tree.
Chapter 11: Data Handling using Pandas – I
Introduction to Python libraries.
Array and Dictionary.
Data Frame.
Chapter 12: Data Handling using Pandas – II
Descriptive Statistics and Data Frame Operations.
Importing and Exporting Data between MySQL database and Pandas.
Chapter 13: Plotting Data using Matplotlib
Purpose of plotting, drawing, and saving.
Customizing plots.
Chapter 14: Societal Impacts
Awareness about health-related problems, due to the usage of technology.
Intellectual Property Rights and its violation, plagiarism and copyrights, Free and Open Source Software, cybercrime and cyber laws, hacking, cyberbullying.
E-waste is hazard management.
Chapter 15: Data Communication
Concept of Communication.
Communication Media.
Introduction to Mobile, Telecommunication Technologies, and Wireless Technologies.
Network Protocol.
Chapter 16: Security Aspects
Concept of the channel, bandwidth, and data transfer rate.
Threats and Prevention.
Network Security Concepts and threats.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I check the syllabus of Computer Science (308)?
You can get the syllabus from the official website
How many questions do I have to attempt in this exam?
Students must attempt 40 questions out of 50.