
Felix Scholarships- University of Oxford: Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply?


Table of Contents


  • About
  • Scholarship outcomes
  • Eligibility
  • Indian scholarship
  • Non-Indian scholarship
  • How to apply



The Felix Trustees provide the Felix Scholarship. They permit Indian students to pursue graduation in any field at the Universities of Oxford, Reading, and London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Since 1991, Felix has assisted Oxford students. The Felix Trustees provide scholarships. The three partner universities are provided scholarships by The Felix Trustees


The scholarship will pay the whole cost of tuition. As well as one round-trip ticket from India to the UK and a grant for living expenses. Awards are given for the entirety of your price obligation for the specified course.


One award is also given annually at Oxford to a non-Indian student whose primary residence is a low-income nation outside India.

Scholarship outcomes


A decision is anticipated before the end of May 2022. Please presume that your application has been denied if you have not heard from us by now. We apologize that the volume of applications prevents us from getting in touch with each rejected applicant individually or giving feedback on applications.




Aspirants must submit a new application for a full-time Master’s or DPhil Study. To be eligible for both the Indian and the non-Indian scholarship. You will not qualify for this scholarship if you have a master’s degree. You must not have previously taken a course at the same level as the one you are applying for. You must need financial help to apply for this scholarship.


Indian scholarship


These are the qualifications that students must meet to be eligible for the Indian scholarship:


You must be an Indian national and a regular resident of India;


  • You must hold a degree with honours from an Indian university;


  • No degree from an institution outside of India may be held. 


  • After finishing your studies, you should come back to India.


Non-Indian scholarship


  • Each year, one grant is given to a non-Indian student who is a national and a regular resident of a nation. One included on the DAC List of ODA Recipients as Other Low Income Country or Least Developed Country.


The following prerequisites must be met to be eligible for the non-Indian scholarship:


  • You ought to hold a top-notch undergraduate degree;


  • You cannot have earned a degree from a university outside of your home country. 


  • After completing your studies, you are anticipated to move back home.


The criteria for both scholarships will be academic achievement and financial need. The scholarship applications of candidates with postponed offers will not be considered.


How to apply


There is no separate application process. One must submit their application by the deadline to be taken into consideration. 


Based on the information provided by applicants in the graduate application form titled “Nationality and ordinary residency.” 


Your previous educational institutions will be identified using the information you enter in the Graduate Application Form’s Qualifications section. 


After considering applications submitted before the pertinent December/January deadline for the program, applicants must be successful in receiving an offer of a place on their course to be considered for this award. Scholarships will not be considered for course applications placed on a waiting list, are held over after the December/January deadline, or are reevaluated against applications submitted by the March deadline.


Shortlisted applicants for the Indian scholarship may be asked to complete a short questionnaire before being invited for an interview in India. There is no interview for the non-Indian scholarship.


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