
How does amoeba obtain its food?


-Mandavi, SME At Edumarz

SOLUTION : Amoeba eats plant cells, algae, microscopic protozoa and metazoa, and bacteria.. As a result, they consume by encircling microscopic food particles with pseudopods, generating a bubble-like food vacuole that digests the meal. Endocytosis is the process through which an amoeba obtains its meal. Endocytosis is a biological process in which chemicals are transported into the cell through the cell membrane. These cell membranes then separate, thus forming a vesicle that surrounds the food.  Pseudopodia is used to swallow the food particle and which then creates a vacuole around it. The amoeba secretes digestive enzymes that break down the food once the particle is entirely stuck. As a result, the amoeba gets its meal. Amoeba takes in the food within the food vacuole. These vacuoles are made out of transient finger-like extensions of the cell surface that fuse over the food particle.Complex compounds are broken down into simpler ones inside the feeding vacuole and diffuse into the cytoplasm. The remaining undigested material is discarded by pushing it to the cell surface. Intake, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and egestion are all part of the phagocytosis process.

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