HARITHA,Subject Matter Expert at Edumarz
Solution:Identification of individuals and populations helps to learn more about the unique features, similarities, and dissimilarities present in individuals belonging to the same or different populations.Identification of all these characters is very useful for the classification of organisms by experts very easily.
Identification of organisms in biology
- Identification by physical features
- Using dichotomous key
- By studying molecular structures such as DNA
- Identification of microorganisms by culturing technique
- Microscopy
Importance of identification
Identification is the process of identifying and analysing different characteristics of organisms. Identification is a very important step in classification.It helps to identify the biodiversity of the area and also learn more about its ecology. At present, different types of identification guides are available for easy identification of species like insects.
Taxonomic Tools
Biodiversity Heritage Library
Catalogue of Life
EDIT platform for cybertaxonomy
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
Encyclopedia of LIfe