Rajeshwari Dutta, academic content writer in psychology at Edumarz.
Conclusion is the end of something , here the conclusion means a summary of chapter 1 , what we have studied and gained knowledge from this chapter.
Starting from what psychology is as a subject to psychology as a discipline.in this chapter we have come across many topics like understanding the concept of mind and behavior, where we have studied about the Freudian theory of mind, its topographical and topological theories and the observation of human behavior through various psychological methods.
We have studied about the popular notions or the popular ideas of psychology which prevails in our daily life. At first we do not realize these notions but later on when analize it we get to know that it is common in every aspect of life.
We have come through many definitions of psychology by different psychologists, we know who is regarded as the father of psychology through the evolution of psychology that is William Wundt. We have come to know many schools of psychology or schools of thought like functionalism, structuralism, behaviorism and gestalt.
The establishment of psychology in the universities of India specially in Calcutta university.
In studying the branches of psychology we come to know that it has major two branches which are pure psychology and applied psychology and under these two branches there are many other sub-branches . The sub branches of pure psychology are:clinical, health and counselling psychology, abnormal psychology, social psychology, experimental, physiological and development or child psychology.
The sub branches of applied psychology are : educational, industrial, legal, community psychology, forensic psychology, and geo psychology. Due to its sub branches psychology as a career has many scopes .
Psychology as a subject is both theoretical and practical so for conducting experiments and researches many themes and topics are there for investigation.
As psychology is considered as a multi and interdisciplinary subject it connects many links with other social sciences and life sciences sūch as sociology, economics, physiology, neurology etc.
Psychologists are engaged and rendering services to various platforms like in hospitals , private chambers, in schools, colleges, in industries or offices and in a community also.
So this is the summary of all the concepts we come to know and through which we have gained a proper knowledge about this discipline.