
Define revenue and expenses.



  1. REVENUE:-Revenue is money brought into a company by its business activities. There are different ways to calculate revenue, depending on the accounting method employed. Accrual accounting will include sales made on credit as revenue for goods or services delivered to the customer .It is necessary to check the cash flow statement to assess how efficiently a company collects money owed. Cash accounting, on the other hand, will only count sales as revenue when payment is received. Cash paid to a company is known as a “receipt.” It is possible to have receipts without revenue. For example, if the customer paid in advance for a service not yet rendered or undelivered goods, this activity leads to a receipt but not revenue.

  2. EXPENSES:-An expense is the cost of operations that a company incurs to generate revenue. As the popular saying goes, “it costs money to make money Common” expenses include payments to suppliers, employee wages, factory leases, and equipment depreciation. Businesses are allowed to write off tax-deductible expenses on their income tax returns to lower their taxable income and thus their tax liability. However, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has strict rules on which expenses business are allowed to claim as a deduction.

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