
Describe briefly the data storage and transmission risks in e-business.


By Harshvardhan, the Subject Matter Expert at Edumarz

Solution: Data storage and transmission risks can be faced by an e-business. Information is power indeed But the power can go into the wrong hands. Data stored in the systems and en-route is exposed to a number of risks. Vital information may be stolen or modified to pursue some selfish motives or simply for fun/adventure. There are two terms  ‘virus’ and ‘hacking’. the full form of the acronym ‘VIRUS’ Is  Vital Information Under Siege. Actually, the virus is a program (a series of commands) that replicates itself on other computer systems. The effect of computer viruses can range from:-

  1.  the mere annoyance in terms of some on-screen display (Level-1 virus), 
  2. disruption of functioning (Level-2 virus) 
  3. damage to target data files (Level-3 virus), 
  4. to complete destruction of the system (Level-4 virus).

 Installing and timely updating anti-virus programmes and scanning the files and disks with them provides protection to your data files, folders and systems from virus attacks. Data may be intercepted in the course of transmission. For this, one may use cryptography. It refers to the art of protecting information by transforming it (encrypting it) into an unreadable format called ‘cyphertext’. Only those who possess a secret key can decipher (or decrypt) the message into ‘plaintext’. This is similar to using ‘code words’ with someone so that others do not understand your conversation.

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