
Distinguish between the firm’s debts and the partner’s private debts.


— Kishore V, SME and ACW at Edumarz

Basis of Difference

Firm’s Debts

Private Debts


The entire amount owed by the company to third parties

The entire amount owing by the partner to third parties in his capacity


For the firm’s debt, all partners are jointly accountable according to their profit-sharing ratio.

The private debt will only be answerable to the relevant partners. 

Firm’s Property

The firm’s debts will be paid off by first realising the firm’s assets.

To the amount of the Partner’s personal share, but only after all of the Firm’s debts have been paid.

Private Property

To the degree that the worth of property remains after all private debts have been paid. 

Private debts will be settled first by realising the firm’s assets.

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