


This is a type of formal/ official letter which is written to the editor of any publication regarding the social issues concerning it’s readers or civilians.

This letter follows the formal letter format strictly and there is no place for any personal matter, casual language or informal abbreviations.

EXAMPLE 1: Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining of the frequent breakdown of electricity in your locality.

H-50, Ashok Vihar

Delhi- 110052

23 November, 2021

The Editor,

The Hindustan Times,

New Delhi

Subject: Complaining about frequent breakdown of electricity

Sir/ Madam,

Permit me to draw the attention of D.E.S.U., through the columns or your esteemed newspaper to the frequent breakdowns of electricity in our locality.

It causes a lot of inconvenience to the people. Sometimes electricity would fail when the shopkeepers are pulling down their shutters or the office goers are coming back from their office. Breakdown of electricity during night gives burglars an opportunity to break into the houses. There have been many cases of burglary in our locality.

I hope the authorities will take necessary steps to ensure regular supply of electricity in our locality.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

J.D. Gupta

EXAMPLE 2: You are Harminder of 20, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the polluted water supply in your area.

20, Tolstoy Marg,

New Delhi

23 November, 2021

The Editor,

The Hindustan Times,

New Delhi

Subject: Complaining about the polluted water supply

Sir/ Madam,

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of the authorities regarding the polluted water supply in our area.

For the last one week the Corporation has been supplying polluted water to our colony. The water coming out of the taps is dirty. Efforts to filter it does not set the matter right. The residents of the colony have made responsibilities to the concerned authorities, but to no avail.

It is requested that the authorities should rise to the occasion and restore the supply of clean water without any further delay.

Thanking you,

Yours truly


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