(h) Gill slits (vii)Mammalia (viii) Osteichthyes
Haritha,Subject Matter Expert at Edumarz
Operculum Osteichthyes
Parapodia Annelida
Scales Reptiles
Comb Plates Ctenophora
Radula Mollusca
Hair Mammalia
Choanocytes Porifera
Gill slits Cyclostomata and Chondrichthyes
Bony fishes contain a structure called an operculum,and this structure protects the gills.
Parapodia are structures found in annelids to help them swim.
Scales are tough,dry skin present in reptiles.It gives protection and also helps in adapting to a dry environment.
Comb plates present in ctenophora help in locomotion.
Radula is the structure that helps in consuming food.It is located in the buccal cavity of the mollusca.
In mammals,hair helps in protecting their bodies from changing environmental conditions.
Choanocytes are the cells present inside the body walls of sponges.It helps in the transport of water and also traps food items.
Gill slits helps in feeding and exchange gases in fishes