
Phylum Platyhelminthes-


GAMNI MADAAN , Academic Content writer at EDUMARZ 

Crucial features : .Because of having a dorso- ventrally smoothened body ( i.e. body is flat from both upper and lower surface side), the organisms of this Phylum are known to be  as “flatworms”. They’re  substantially endoparasites which live  inside the  organs of hosts. They’re bilaterally symmetrical ( left and right side of organism is divided equally) , triploblastic ( body wall is formed from 3 layers – ectoderm , mesoderm and endoderm) and acoelomate animals( do not seem to possess a body cavity). They possess  specialised cells called “flame cells ” to help them in excretion and osmoregulation.  Suckers and hooks  are present which help them to sock up  nutrients from the host directly through their body surfaces.


Features as per different-different parameters :-

  • Habitat – Mostly endoparasite.

  • External morphology : General body is unsegmented (in Planaria and in Fasciola)

  • Alimentary Canal and Digestion : alimentary canal  is present .Mouth is present but there is absence of anus.

  • Excretion and osmoregulation: flame cells help in osmoregulation and excretion. 


  • Fertilisation : fertilisation is internal .

  • Development : It goes through many larval stages

  • Digenetic parasite : life history of Platyhelminthes involves two host( digenetic) – primary and 

            secondary host.

  • Sexuality : hermaphrodite 

Examples: Taenia (Tapeworm); Fasciola (liver fluke).

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