
What are the three basic sources of generating power?


There are three main sources of power generation in our country. 

1. Thermal power: It is generated in india at various power stations with the help of coal and oil. It has been our major source of electric power. Its share in the total power generation was 51 percent in 1950-51 which has increased to 81 percent in 2001. Bulk of the thermal power is derived from coal and only a small fraction comes from oil. 

2. Hydroelectric power: Hydroelectric powers plays a major role in the field of power generation in the country. It is produced on a large scale through multipurpose river valley projects by constructing big dams. In India, the contribution of hydro-electric power is 20 percent of the total electricity generation. 

3. Nuclear power: India has set up nuclear power projects at Tarapur(Maharashtra), Kota(Rajasthan), Kalpakkam Tamilnadu), Narora(U.P). India is in favor of using nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

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