
What is stomatal apparatus? Explain the structure of stomata with a labelled diagram.


HARITHA,Subject Matter Expert at Edumarz


  • Stomata are the structures located in the epidermis of leaves

  • It also regulates transpiration and gaseous exchange in plants


  • Each stoma is formed of two bean-shaped cells called guard cells and it encloses the stomatal pore

  • The guard cells of grasses are dumb-bell in shape

  • The outer walls of guard cells located away from the stomatal pore are thin and the inner walls of guard cells located towards the stomatal pore are thick

  • The guard cells contain pigments called chloroplasts and they regulate the opening and closing of stomata

  • Some epidermal cells present close to the guard cells are specialised in their shape and size and are called subsidiary cells

  • The stomatal aperture, guard cells and the surrounding subsidiary cells together form the stomatal apparatus

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