
Why is damage to the ozone layer a cause for concern ? What steps are being taken to limit this damage ?



Solution:Ozone is formed by three molecules of oxygen and it is a deadly poisonous gas.Ozone layer is present in the stratosphere.The damage to the ozone layer is a cause for concern because the ozone layer protects our earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun.This harmful radiation is responsible for causing skin cancer and eye infections in humans.UV radiations not only affect humans but also other animals and plants.In humans,this harmful radiation also alters the structure of DNA and this results in mutations in DNA.

Formation of ozone

The UV radiation having higher energy divides molecular oxygen (O2) into two free oxygen (O) atoms.These free oxygen atoms combine with molecular oxygen atoms to form ozone(O3).

Steps to minimise damage of ozone layer

  • Avoid the use of substances that contain chlorofluorocarbons.

  • Introduction of environmentally friendly substances instead of chlorofluorocarbons

  • Avoid emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide,methane

  • Stop burning of fossil fuels

  • Use CNG in vehicles

  • Avoid use of heavy chemicals

World Ozone Day

World Ozone Day is celebrated on September 16 every year to create awareness among people about the importance of the ozone layer.On this day, several seminars, webinars, paper presentations, and talks are conducted by various organisations all over the world.The theme for Ozone Day 2021 is that the Montreal Protocol keeps us, our food, and vaccines cool.

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