
Describe briefly the four major groups of protozoa.


-Priyanti, Subject Matter Expert at Edumarz

Solution: The major groups of protozoa are as follows:

  • Amoeboid protozoans: This group of protozoa are classified based on their presence of pseudopodia. These extensions enable their movement (termed amoeboid movement) and allow them to capture their prey. Amoeboid protozoans can be found in both freshwater and seawater, and even in moist soils. Examples include sarcodines and slime molds.
  • Flagellated protozoans: They consist of long, whip-like structures called flagella that enable their locomotion. These organisms may be free-living or parasitic in nature. Examples include dinoflagellates and euglenoids.
  • Ciliated protozoans: They have fine, hair-like structures called cilia all over their body. The cilia are their locomotory organs and allow these organisms to rapidly turn, tumble and reverse. Cilia move in a coordinated manner to facilitate such movement. Examples include Paramecium.
  • Sporozoans: These are parasitic protozoans that move around passively with the movement of fluids and don’t have active locomotory organs. Sporozoans are thus named because they have an infectious spore stage in their life cycle. Examples include Plasmodium

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