Suminder Kaur, Academic Content Writer Biology at Edumarz
The word disease is derived from – dis + ease = not at ease.
The condition in which the functioning of the organ or organ systems of the body gets disrupted is called a disease.
The disruption of organs can give rise to symptoms and signs of disease. These symptoms are the things we feel are wrong.
Signs will give a little more proper indication of the presence of a particular disease.
Diseases are broadly classified into two categories.
Acute diseases are those diseases which only last for a short period of time and do not have a long term effect on health.
Some examples of acute diseases are – common cold, cough, typhoid and cholera,etc.
Chronic diseases are those diseases which may last for a long time and have a drastic impact on the health.
Some examples of chronic diseases are diabetes,tuberculosis, elephantiasis, cancer, arthritis, etc.
Diseases have many causes rather than a single cause.
Diseases are caused by :
Pathogens such as bacterias, viruses, protozoans, fungi and worms.
Poor health and undernourishment.
Malfunctioning of the body parts.
Genetic and chromosomal orders
Infectious diseases are those diseases that spread from an infected person to a healthy person.
Mode of infection could be through air, water, food, vectors, physical contact or sexual contact.
These diseases are also known as communicable diseases.
Some examples are – common cold, chicken pox, mumps, measles, tuberculosis, AIDS etc
Pathogen – agent which causes infectious disease. These are viruses, bacteria, protozoans, and worms.
Diseases caused by viruses – common cold, measles, chicken pox, mumps, AIDS, influenza, etc
Diseases caused by bacterias – typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, tetanus, food poisoning and anthrax.
Diseases caused by fungi – skin infections.
Diseases caused by protozoans – malaria, kala – azar, sleeping sickness.
Diseases caused by worms – intestinal infections and elephantiasis.
Non – infectious diseases are those diseases that do not spread from an infected person to a healthy individual.
Some examples are – Beri Beri, rickets, scurvy, night blindness, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure etc.