
Every teenager has a dream to achieve something in life. What they are going to become tomorrow depends on what our youth dream of today. Write an article in 150-200 words \ on ‘What I want to be in life. You are Simranif/Smita.



                                                          ‘What I want to be in life

                                                              BY: Simranif/Smita

Every teenager has a dream to achieve something in life. What they will be tomorrow depends on what our youth dream of today. I am a teenager now. I have a dream about what I will be tomorrow. I am happy to share it with you right now.

When I was studying in the sixth standard, DGP of Tamilnadu Sylendra Babu came to our school as a guest speaker. When he entered, the entire audience stood for him in the way of giving him respect. From that moment, I took him as an inspiration and decided to become a DGP like him. Right now, I am doing my 12th standard. After completing the 12th standard, I have decided to do my graduation B. A History, since it will be beneficial for UPSC examination. After passing the UPSC examination, I like to serve as an IPS officer in my state. I would be an honest police officer throughout my career.

We never know what tomorrow is going to bring me. But I have decided to stick to my dream and achieve it by working hard and smart. Finally, I would like to end this with the quote from Gandhi “DO or DIE”!

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