
In certain states of India there is a great imbalance in the male female ratio. This is the result of special treatment given to boys in the family. Why is it so? How can we change this mindset? Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Gender discrimination in society’. You are Karuna/Karan.


                                              “Gender Discrimination in Society”

                                                              By;- Karuna

Our treatment of women in the past brings us no glory or honour. Indian society has never been liberal and generous towards females. Unfortunately, this discrimination continues in one form or the other even now.

There have been many reforms to empower women, however, in certain states of India there is a great imbalance in the male-female ratio. This is the result of special treatment given to boys in the family. Evil practises, such as female foeticide, are quite common.

India is a patriarchal society, which likes to hold on to its traditional beliefs and practices. For instance, women living in rural areas are not allowed to go to school. They are asked to stay at home, do the household chores and look after their little siblings.

As soon as they hit puberty they are married off whether or not they are ready for it. Poverty and illiteracy play their part in such ill practises against women.

Dowry deaths, marital rapes, etc. are few of the evils of the society still tormenting women everywhere, from villages to the cities. Legislations for women remain merely words, at times unable to protect them. The Dowry Act, the Marriage Act, the Property Act, should be enforced strictly. Eve-teasing and sexual harassment of women should have no place in a civilized society.

There should not be any kind of discrimination in the workplace, wages of men and women should be equal. Reservation in jobs and legislatures must become obligatory and legal. Children should be made to understand the meaning and importance of gender equality in school so that they learn to respect and treat women with dignity at an early age. Only then, gender discrimination in the society will gradually come to an end.


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