
Infectious Diseases: Infectious agents & Means of spread


Sanyam Jain, Academic Content Writer

  1. Agents of infectious diseases

    • Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens that readily spread from infected ones to healthy ones found in a variety of categories-

      1. Protozoa

        • Malaria (by Plasmodium)

        • Kala-azar (by Leishmania)

        • Sleeping sickness (by Trypanosoma)

      2. Bacteria 

        • Cholera 

        • Tuberculosis

        • Anthrax

        • Typhoid 

      3. Fungi 

        • Skin problems 

      4. Viruses 

        • AIDS

        • Influenza (flu)

        • Dengue 

      5. Worms 

        • Intestinal infections 

        • Elephantiasis

    • Importance of category wise study of pathogenstreatment of diseases since similar drugs work against pathogens of the same category.

    • Pathogens inside the host

      1. Viruses live within the host cells and multiply rapidly.

      2. Fungi & bacteria rarely live inside the cells and also multiply rapidly.

      3. Worms multiply very slowly in comparison.

    • Antibiotics 

      1. Drugs that act against bacteria

      2. Block important biochemical pathways 

      3. e.g. Penicillin inhibit cell wall synthesis

      4. Do not work for viruses

2.  Means of spread of infectious diseases

  • Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens that readily spread from infected ones to healthy ones thus ‘communicated’. and so are communicable diseases.

  • Various modes of infection transmission

    1. Air 

      • Droplets, containing the pathogen, are released into the air through the cough or sneeze of an infected person.

      • When inhaled these cause infection in healthy people.

      • Examples: common cold, coronavirus disease (COVID-19), pneumonia and tuberculosis

    2. Water

      • Excreta from an infected person is mixed with drinking water.

      • Drinking such water causes infection in healthy people.

      • Examples: infectious gut diseases such as cholera

    3. Sexual contact

      • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)- 

        1. Examples: syphilis, AIDS

        2. not spread by casual physical contact (handshake or hugs) 

    4. Vectors 

      • Animals that carry infectious agents from an infected person to another potential host.

      • mosquitoes- commonest vectors 

      • females feed on highly nutritious blood meal of warm-blooded animals to be able to lay eggs

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