


Infrastructure is the basic element for the development of any country. During the colonial period, England was building its infrastructure at the coast of India’s economic development. England at that time worked on basic infrastructures such as railways, ports, water transport, posts, and telegraph. These development done by England are for exporting raw materials. England was not interested in developing India and providing basic amenities to the people of India.

The construction of roads at that time was of mud. In the rainy season or at any natural calamities local people have to suffer a lot because of the roads. England only to manage army within India and for making raw material available at the railway station and port.

In 1850 with the construction of railways in India by the British. The construction of the railway made the life of people in India easier with also the movement of agricultural products easy. But the benefit of all these is enjoyed by the British. India’s economic loss at that time was much more than the profit accrued by the introduction of railways.

The construction of ports and inland waterways did not compete with the railways at that time. A huge expenditure at that time was done on ports and water transport which did not meet the expectation and huge loss occur. Also, posts and telegraph were expensive at that time, and because of which they were used for serving public purposes and law and order.

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