
Nowadays, students attend coaching classes early in the morning or after school hours. You feel that this trend makes them tired, affects their health and so their grades. Write an article in 150-200 words to make the students understand how this is not very helpful in improving their grades and is a waste of their precious time. You are Ram/ Rani.


                                 How extra coaching classes affects students       

                                                           by:Ram and Rani

Nowadays, students attend coaching classes early in the morning or after school hours. This trend makes them tired, affects their health and their grades. A student can understand that it won’t improve their marks by the discussion below.

 Every part of our body needs rest from time to time. But if you keep doing the same work, you will get tired at some point. You won’t have the interest to do the task. In the same way, if students attend extra classes, they would get bored at some point and develop hatred to study. It would result in depression and affect the mental health of students. So students will not get good scores in their exams. Instead of attending extra classes, students must utilize that time to play. If students play, they will get relieved from the mental stress. It would improve their focus and memory power. They will get energized and study well to get good marks.

Students must remember that overdoing any activities will result in a lack of performance. So they must learn to take a break to perform better in all their activities.


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