Occupational structure at the colonial period is totally dependent on agriculture. But the agricultural land was not enough to provide employment to the total population at that time. In simple words we can say that as agriculture is main occupation at that time but as a means of subsistence only. Agriculture became the largest sector that provide employment at a 70-75 percent of population.
Along with agriculture, manufacturing and service sector are also providing employment. But the contribution to employment is very small. As due to lack of industrializations in the country less workforce are there in the manufacturing and service sector. 15-20 Percent workforce were there in the manufacturing and service sector which is very less as compared to agriculture.
Madras Presidency , Bengal and Bombay faces sharp decline in workforce in the agricultural sector. These parts of the country faces a rise in manufacturing and service sector employment. And some other states like Orissa, Rajasthan and Punjab faces a rise in the agricultural sector.