
Plastids and Vacuoles


Tejinder Kaur, Academic Content Creator at Edumarz


  • It is a double membrane bound cell organelle found in plant cells and algae.

  • Their main role is to manufacture and store food.

  • They also contain pigments that are used in the process of photosynthesis.


There are mainly three different types of plastids on the basis of absence or presence of pigments:

  • Chloroplasts 

  • Chromoplasts

  • Leucoplasts


  • They are green colour biconvex shaped, double membrane cell organelle found in plant cells.

  • Act as sites for synthesizing food by process of photosynthesis.


  • It is the name given to all the colour pigments plastids synthesized in plants.

  • They are found in flowering plants, fruits and leaves.

  • They have carotenoid pigments which impart colour.


  • They are colourless plastids.

  • They are found in the non photosynthetic part of the plants.

  • They act as storehouse for lipids, proteins and starches.

  • It is of three types :

  1. Amyloplasts – leucoplasts that store starch.

  2. Proteinoplasts – leucoplasts that store protein.

  3. Elaioplasts – leucoplasts that store fats and oils.

Vacuole –

  • The term “vacuole” means “empty space”.

  • Helps in storage and disposal of waste substances.

  • The size of vacuole in plant cells are much larger than that of animal cells.

  • They are single membrane and their membrane is named as tonoplast.

Functions :

  • A vacuole stores minerals, salts, pigments and proteins in a cell.

  • They are completely filled with water and exert a pressure on the cell wall. A pressure called as turgor pressure. This pressure helps in maintaining the shape of the cell.

  • The substance are taken inside vacuole by process of endocytosis and expelled out by exocytosis.

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