After independence when poverty alleviation programmes implemented, percentage of absolute poor reduced. It goes down to below national average. But it has so many drawbacks also. It will not able to make a revolutionary change in poverty. Hunger, malnourishment and illiteracy remain to continue.
Some loopholes in system that prevent poverty alleviation programmes to be successful are:-
- Unequal distribution of land and other assets.
- Non-poor are getting benefit from the programmes.
- The amount of resources allocated are less, as poor population are more than that amount.
These poverty alleviation programmes need to be implement by all. Alone government can’t remove poverty. Local level institutions, bank officials, poor all need to come forward for a proper implementation. To eradicate poverty some following measures are to done:-
- When poor actively take participation in programmes.
- Areas that are poverty stricken need to be identify.
- Local level institutions has to build schools, roads, power, telecom etc. in poverty stricken areas.
- Social activity need to be performed by government to encourage poor to take participation in programmes.