
Private Sector Health Infrastructure


 Most of the citizens from foreign countries are arriving to India for its private health infrastructure. These citizens come from several places such as Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Africa. Some of the foreign citizens also come from developed places such as North America, United Kingdom and Europe for speedy, efficient and low-cost surgical procedures. The costs for doing a surgical operation in the United Kingdom goes past 10,000 pounds whereas in India these costs can be covered under 2000 pounds.  

Such a high and splendid growth of the Indian private health sector in recent times where its public spending on healthcare is less than 1 percent of the GDP and it is among the lowest of all countries.  Yet, India is one of the top 20 countries in world which spend around 4 percent of their GDP on private consumption. The employers pay close 10 percent on private care, and the spending on health insurance ranges from 5 percent to 10 percent and more than 80 percent is done from personal funding. Due to this more than 2/5th of the patients admitted in these hospitals have to sell their personal belongings such as jewellery and property in order to cover the expenses and around a quarter of the farmers are driven below poverty line due to such expenses. The government’s top priority is to increase its spending to 2-3 percent on GDP along with a health insurance scheme for poor families.

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