
Question4: Classroom activity (Constructing the ‘square root spiral’): Take a large sheet of paper and construct the ‘square root spiral’ in the following fashion. Start with a point O and draw a line segment OP1 of unit length. Draw a line segment P1P2 perpendicular to OP1 of unit length. Now draw a line segment P2P3 perpendicular to OP2. Then draw a line segment P3P4 perpendicular to OP3.


-Ushma Gaur, Subject Matter Expert at Edumarz 

Solution4: Square root Spiral 

Start with a point O and draw a line segment OP1 of unit length. Then draw a line segment P1P2 perpendicular to OP1 of unit length. Then OP22=2

Now draw a line segment P2P3 perpendicular to OP2. Join OP3. Continuing like this, draw a line segment P3P4 perpendicular to OP3. Join OP4. Again, draw a line segment P4P5 perpendicular to OP4. Join OP5. Again, draw a line segment P5P6 perpendicular to OP5. Join OP6. Again, draw a line segment P6P7 perpendicular to OP6. Join OP7. Again, draw a line segment P7P8 perpendicular to OP7. Join OP8. Again, draw a line segment P8P9 perpendicular to OP8. Join OP9. Again, draw a line segment P9P10 perpendicular to OP9. Join OP10. Again, draw a line segment P10P11 perpendicular to OP10. Join OP11. Again, draw a line segment P11P12 perpendicular to OP11. Join OP12. Again, draw a line segment P12P13 perpendicular to OP12. Join OP13. Again, draw a line segment P13P14 perpendicular to OP13. Join OP14. Again, draw a line segment P14P15  perpendicular to OP14. Join OP15.

                                                     Square root spiral 

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