
Read the snippets from the debates held in the Constituent Assembly. Identify the interest groups. Discuss what kind of interest groups exist in contemporary India. How do they function?


Solution :Snippets from the discussions-

  • K.T. Shah believes that the right to full employment can and should be realized through the state’s categorical commitment to provide productive work to all citizens who are able and eligible.
  • B. Das argued against categorizing government functions as justiciable or non-justiciable. “I believe it is the primary responsibility of the government to eliminate hunger and provide social justice to all citizens, as well as to ensure social security…” The thronging millions have lost hope that the Union Constitution “would provide them with freedom from hunger, social justice, a minimum level of life, and a minimum standard of public health.”
  • “The Draft Constitution as it stands now only provides machinery for the country’s government,” Ambedkar responded. Installing a certain political party in power, as some countries have done, is not a contentious issue. Who should be in power is left to the people to decide, as it must be if the system is to pass democratic tests.
  • In terms of land reform Nehru stated that societal forces were such that the law could not prevent changes, which is an intriguing comment on the interplay between the two.”The legislation and Parliament will be unable to regulate the situation if they do not adjust to the shifting picture.”

During the Constituent Assembly debates, Nehru informed tribal leaders like Jaipal Singh that “it is our goal and fixed desire to help them as much as possible; in as effective a way as possible to safeguard them from potentially their predatory neighbors on occasion and to make them advance.”

  • Even while the Constituent Assembly gave the rights that judges could not enforce the title Directive Principles of State Policy, additional principles were unanimously accepted. The state shall organize village panchayats and empower them with the authorities and authority to be effective units of local self-government, according to K. Santhanam’s clause.
  • T.A. Ramalingam Chettiar introduced a section to promote cottage businesses in rural regions on a cooperative basis. A prominent legislator, Thakurdas Bhargava, added that the state should modernize agricultural and animal husbandry.
  • Outsiders who support political parties in order to get favors from them while they are in power are known as interest groups. These are for-profit companies founded to influence government policy. They are non-political organizations whose primary goal is to protect their own interests. Political parties aren’t the same thing as political parties. In India, interest groups use two strategies: lobbying legislative bodies and assisting those affected by natural disasters.
  • In modern India, pressure groups and interest groups include ASSOCHAM, FICCI, Labor Unions, Student Unions, Farmers Unions, and Women’s Organizations.

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