
Road accidents have doubled in the last few years. Write an article in 150-200 words on the reasons for increase in the number of accidents and how they can be minimised. You are Dev/Devika.


                                                “Alarming Rise In Road Accidents”

                                                                 By: Devika

Road accidents have become the leading cause of death by injury and the tenth leading cause of all deaths globally. In India, the pressure on roads has been on an alarming rise and the lack of road sense has made matters worse.

Driving licences are issued on illegal gratifications to some drivers and traffic rules and regulations are rarely adhered to. The lack of tolerance and patience among drivers leads to an increased sense of anger and uncontrolled behaviour especially by the youngsters. Moreover the condition of roads needs to be improved and maintained. They are often full of potholes and their condition worsens during the rainy season.

To prevent these accidents, it is imperative that effective long and short-term measures are effectively adopted. The traffic police needs to be more active and strict to ensure proper implementation of rules. Higher fines should be imposed and the license of repeated offenders should be confiscated. There should be an effective check on the speed limit of vehicles.

To minimise the number of road accidents proper awareness needs to be created among the masses regarding road safety alongwith importance of observation of traffic rules.

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