
 State the meaning of public-private partnership.


By Harshvardhan, the Subject Matter Expert at Edumarz

Solution: The Public-Private Partnership model allocates tasks, obligations and risks among the public and private partners in an optimal manner. The public partners in PPP are Government entities, i.e., ministries, government departments, municipalities or state-owned enterprises. The private partners can be local or foreign (international) and include businesses or investors with technical or financial expertise relevant to the project. PPP also includes NGOs and/or community-based organisations that are the stakeholders directly affected by the project. PPP is, therefore, defined as a relationship between public and private entities in the context of infrastructure and other services. Under the PPP model, the public sector plays an important role and ensures that the social obligations are fulfilled and sector reforms and public investment are successfully met. The government’s contribution to PPP is in the form of capital for investment and transfer of assets that support the partnership in addition to social responsibility, environmental awareness and local knowledge. The private sector’s role in the partnership is to make use of its expertise in operations, managing tasks and innovation to run the business efficiently. Sectors in which PPPs have been completed worldwide include power generation and distribution, water and sanitation, refuse disposal, pipelines, hospitals, school buildings and teaching facilities, stadiums, air traffic control, prisons, railways, roads, billing and other information technology systems, and housing.

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