
What is authority and how is it related to domination and the law?


-Anushree Ojha, Subject Matter Expert at Edmarz

Solution: Max Weber defined authority as legitimate power,” or “power that is regarded justifiable or proper.” A police officer, a judge, or a school teacher, for example, all have varied levels of power in their employment.

Their formal job description plainly grants them this authority. There are written documents that outline their authority and what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do.

A law is a standard or regulation that has been explicitly codified. It is generally written down, and there are laws that outline how laws are formed or amended, as well as what happens if they are broken.

The formal body of rules by which society will be governed is known as the law. All citizens are subject to the law. Whether or not I agree with a certain legislation as an individual, it binds me as a citizen, as well as all other citizens, regardless of their convictions.

Dominance is achieved by the use of power, yet much of this power is lawful power or authority, much of which is codified in law.

Because of the legitimacy structure and formal institutional support, consent and collaboration are secured on a regular and consistent basis. This does not exhaust the domain of power or dominance; many forms of power exist in society that are effective even if they are illicit or if they are legitimate but are not codified in law.

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