
What is meant by the ‘sex ratio’? What are some of the implications of a declining sex ratio? Do you feel that parents still prefer to have sons rather than daughters? What, in your opinion, could be some of the reasons for this preference?


Solution: The number of females per thousand males in a given location at a certain time is referred to as the sex ratio. • This ratio is a key measure of population gender balance. In most countries around the world, there have always been more females than males. This occurrence occurred as a result of two factors:

(i)In comparison to male children, female babies have a stronger immune system and are more disease resistant.

(ii)In most societies, females live longer than males.

The ratio of female to male newborns is approximately 1050 female to 1000 male. The sex ratio in India has been steadily falling for more than a century. The sex ratio fell from 972 females per thousand males at the turn of the twentieth century to 933 at the turn of the twenty-first century. The kid sex ratio in each state is frightening. The child sex ratio in as many as six states and union territories is as low as 793. Sikkim has the highest child sex ratio of 986.

In countries like India, China, and South Korea, the sex ratio appears to be decreasing.

Parents in India still prefer male children. This is due to a combination of social and cultural factors. The village inhabitants wanted male children to look after the land because they lived in an agricultural environment. The preference for a male child is unquestionably unrelated to financial considerations. Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Chandigarh, and Maharashtra are among India’s most rich states and should have the highest child sex ratio, but things aren’t that way.

According to the 2001 census, these are the states with the lowest sex ratios, with 950 female infants for every 1000 male babies. This research shows that selective abortion is not caused by poverty, illiteracy, or a lack of resources in these states.

Religious or cultural beliefs: Belief that only son is authorized to execute burial and related ceremonies of his parents are predisposing factors for low child sex ratio in India. The family’s waaris is the only son. The bloodline of the family will not continue in the absence of a male child.

  • Economic Reasons: Agriculture is the primary source of income in India. Villagers believe that landed property should not be handed to girls since they will marry and move to another village, town, or city. Neither the girl child nor the land can bear her fair part of the burden.
  • Awareness: People in Indian society with an uninformed conservation attitude are still unwilling to give daughters equal position because they believe they will be dependent on the son in their old age. Only he will be responsible for the food, house, and customs.

Child sex ratio implications: A low child sex ratio, if it persists, will have major consequences for our social network, particularly the institution of marriage. It will also result in serious law and order issues with women.

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