Solution:In India, regionalism is founded in the country’s diversity of languages, cultures, tribes, and faiths; it is fueled by a sense of regional deprivation and supported by the geographical concentration of various identification markers in specific regions. Indian federalism has served as a mechanism of addressing various regional concerns.
- Initially, the Indian state followed the British-Indian pattern of partitioning India into large provinces known as Presidencies after independence. There were three primary presidencies: Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta.In response to intense popular unrest, all of these colonial-era entities had to be reformed into ethno-linguistic states within the Indian union soon after Independence and the passage of the constitution.
- Language, in combination with regional and tribal identity, has shown to be the most effective tool for the creation of ethno-national identity in India.
This does not, however, imply that all language communities have been granted statehood. Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand, for example. Language didn’t play a part in their creation. The foundation was built on a mix of ethnicity based on tribal identity, language, regional impoverishment, and ecology.