
What is soil erosion?


-Priyanti, Subject Matter Expert at Edumarz

Solution: Soil erosion is a method of soil degradation wherein the topsoil is displaced owing to a multitude of natural and manmade factors. Effects of weather on the soil include erosion by water, wind, or even glaciers. Activities by animals such as overgrazing by cattle also contribute to soil erosion. These animals feed on the plants on the soil surface, removing the protective covering of the topsoil and leaving it exposed. Human-mediated deforestation has the same effect, although on a much larger scale. Other activities of human beings, such as rapid and unplanned industrialization, intensive agriculture and climate change also contribute to soil erosion and degrade the quality of soil. The continuous removal of topsoil reduces soil fertility and eventually, the soil won’t be able to sustain life any longer and will turn into barren land. This is only one of the problems. Soil erosion causes increased water pollution, clogging of waterways, reduced yield of agricultural crops, more flooding, and an overall damage to the Earth and mankind. Thus, it is in our best interest that we act before it is too late and protect our soils from being eroded away. Soil is one of the major sources of life and biodiversity on this planet, and loss of this valuable material can have irreparable consequences.

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