


Poor are those who didn’t get basic need of living. These basic need involve food, shelter, sanitation, education, health and safe drinking water.

 Poor classified as rural poor and urban poor. Rural poor involved in agriculture. They  don’t have land, lived in a mud house and some of don’t even get 2 meals of the day. Urban poor are those who migrated in search of job. These urban poor get work on a daily basis or contract basis. But wages which they get are subsistence wages only. Poor have no right to fight for their wages.

Inequality in income in the major cause of  poverty. Because of which electricity, safe drinking water are not affordable to them. Gender inequality is also there in poor class. As poor girls  did not get right to education. Girls were given less care in comparison to boys. Lack of food making them physically unfit. Diseases also spread easily to them. And due to poor health facility available to them death rate is high.

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