
You are a student of class XII. Write a report for the school magazine on the topic of Annual Day Celebration in about 100- 150 words.


                                                      ANNUAL DAY CELEBRATION 

                                                                       BY XYZ

                                                                  ABC SCHOOL 

                                                               29 January 2022

The annual day celebration of the school marked 60 years of service to the education system since its inception in 1962. The celebration was graced by friends and family of the members of the school family- the pupils, teachers and management. Due to its contiguity with Republic Day, which is observed on the 26th of this month each year, this year’s theme was Liberation through Knowledge. 

The programme commenced with a welcome speech and a concept note, followed by a musical presentation by the school choir. Then came the theatre club with an alternative interpretation for the life of Subhash Chandra Bose and his mysterious whereabouts. This was followed by a finale that saw the various dance forms of the country on one stage. The evening ended with a vote of thanks by the school secretary. 

The school auditorium saw pleasant and overjoyed faces leaving the premises, with hearts full and eyes in awe. 

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